
Olivia Slatter

Olivia Slatter

Creative Arts Award



Olivia is 17 years old from Leicester and is currently studying three subjects : level 1 and 2 music and art as part of the Twenty,Twenty charity youth education project in Leicestershire.

JHMT's Support

Despite having to overcome many personal challenges in her life, Olivia remains very determined and has her eyes fixed firmly on the prize of achieving an ambition to become an opera singer.

Olivia said: This Inspire grant means the world to me as I really would love to one day audition for the royal academy of music. It's my dream and I'm very working hard to achieve my goal'.


Leicester Cathedral Choir

Posted: 22nd Sep, 2016

'I have just currently started training with an amazing singing coach. She is a teacher at the Royal college of music and I have to train two years at least with her, I have just currently got in to the... Read More »