Editing 'Time' the Documentary
Posted: Mon, 25 Jul 2016
I go about editing films in the same way, even if they are different types of films. The way I went about it is by going through individual clips and cut them up into sections. This means it is easier to move things around and know where everything is. Surprisingly, this takes the longest to do as there was a lot of really good footage that is useful to the film and sorting out things that are needed in certain sections from maybe things that aren't relevant to that part takes a lot of thought.
I created different sequences (sections) for different aspects of the film. For example, Lauren's interview, The Voxpops and interviews with the Primary school children all had their own sequences. This made it easier for me to find everything and also experiment with how the footage fits together.
Something that surprised me when I first started out was that every single thing you see on the screen has a purpose or shouldn't be there. Therefore, everything has to be perfect and match the feeling of the film. This includes the text font. As I have found out through experience, not every font looks good with a film and so it takes a while to find something that matches the tone of the film. I think I have found a perfect one for this film.
Length is also an issue and something I have been told since day one is that you have to be strict with yourself and get to the point. However, with a documentary, I have had more room to expand on ideas and thoughts, in attempt to get as much information in as possible. Because of all the amazing information provided by Steve and the great interviews by Lauren, the children and the cardio physician, it has made my job difficult. Which is always a good sign.
The head teacher at the Primary school has already asked to show this in school to raise awareness of the ideas present throughout the film. I'm hoping this is only a start for the future of this film.