New season
Posted: Sun, 17 Nov 2019
After a short end of season break from training, I'm now settling into university life and loving training with different triathletes. I've been really having to push myself to keep up on the long 11 km runs so am quite excited about competing in the British University Duathlon Championships next weekend to see if I've improved. Cycling in this awful weather has been challenging, and after taking a tumble on a trail ride a couple of weeks ago I've stuck to the Watt bikes in the gym (cross fingers we get some nice sunny days soon for a long ride out into the countryside).
Today, I'm really proud of my brother who picked up three trophies at the Loughborough Town Swimming Club presentation evening last night, including the Joe Humphries Memorial Cup for the overall champion in the 16/17 age group - for the second year running. Sandy and I swam with Joe at the club when we were younger and appreciate all of the inspirational programmes and awards that have been set up in his memory. Thank you so much to the JHMT for your support.
Pictured is Sandy with the LTSC Joe Humphries Memorial Cup.