A range of Cabinets are available for internal use. These may not be weather proof nor include a Heater. Most are unlocked. An option to have an audible alarm sound when the Cabinet is opened may also be available.
Such internal Cabinets may include a glass panel (which aids a visual check of the AED)
AEDs and Cabinets available through purchasing arrangements
1. East Midlands Ambulance Service has organised a purchasing arrangement for a CPAD installation. Details are given of the poster below.

It is the most economic CPAD installation and therefore particularly attractive to charities / organisations with limited funds. The Cabinet is supplied by a Charity – SADS UK
Details of the Physio Control AED
2. JHMT has negotiated a special rate for the purchase of the following external Cabinet and AED when being installed in liaison with JHMT and for installations which fall within the JHMT objectives (usually sport related with associated public access to the Defibrillator).
see details on the following web sites:
Costings for this Cabinet and AED obtained through JHMT can be obtained by contacting JHMT at jhmt.jhmt.org.uk