
Kristian Abel

Kristian Abel

Sports Award



My name is Kristian Abel I am 14years old and a double Great Britain athlete, I started playing American football in October 2022. Since then, I have really excelled in the sport and I have been selected to represent my country in both U15s non-contact Flag Football and U17s Contact Football.
Playing for my country is a huge honour and one I am very proud of, My first game playing contact for the GB Lions I was selected to be the offensive captain for the blue team, this in itself is a huge achievement seeing as I am only 14, I had only been in the squad 4 months and this was his first game.

I have been selected for the GB flag squad who participate each in the European Flag Football Championships.

I have now been lucky enough to be selected to play for the Elite Prospect Academy a European Invitational team for Elite Athletes based in Denmark. This will give me the opportunity to play games both in Europe and the UK against performance academy teams.

I currently play for and represent
Tamworth Phoenix Contact Football
Leicester Huntsmen Flag Football
GB U15s Flag
GB Lions U17s Contact
Elite Prospect Academy

My aspiration is to complete my GCSEs to a high standard so I can be accepted both athletically and academically into an elite performance academy and earn a scholarship to a NCAA university in America.

Being award a Inspire grant from the Joe Humphries Memorial Trust is a really big honour and I feel truly privileged to be support on my journey in this way. The Inspire grants are fantastic at supporting so many young talent people. I hope people read my story and assist the Joe Humphries Memorial Trust in continuing their support of young people in Leicestershire.



Tamworth Phoenix go 6 - 0

Posted: 22nd Jun, 2024

The Phoenix Phutures american football programme went 6 - 0 on games today. Read More »


Concussion Awareness

Posted: 21st Jun, 2024

I made the decision this season to protect my brain and wear a Rezon Halos concussion head band. I wear this while playing British American Football flag football. Read More »


BAFA U16s Tournament round 3

Posted: 20th Jun, 2024

Phoenix Phutures tournament at new home. Read More »