What investigations can the ICC clinic perform?


This will depend on the ICC suspected or being investigated. Common investigations are described below:

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An ECG records the rhythm, rate, and electrical activity of your heart. Small electrodes (sticky pads with a special sensor) are put on your chest which are connected by leads to the ECG machine. The ECG can detect electrical ion channel disorders (e.g. Long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome) and can raise suspicion for many cardiomyopathies.


This is an ultrasound scan of your heart that can investigate heart structure and function. In ICC, it is used to diagnose cardiomyopathies as a first line test, and is also helpful to monitor patients with cardiomyopathy sequentially..

Exercise tolerance test (ETT)

This is sometimes called a treadmill test. You will have an ECG, then while walking on a treadmill, further recordings are made of your heart. In ICC clinic, we use this to investigate for ion channel disorders and allows assessment of additive risk for those already identified with ICC.

Holter ECG monitoring

This records your heart rate and rhythm for 24, 48 or 72 hours. 3 disposable adhesive electrodes will be attached by wires to a small recorder which can be clipped to your clothing. This is used to remotely monitor your heart allows assessment of additive risk for those already identified with ICC.

Cardiac MRI scan

A cardiac MRI scan is a non-invasive test that uses an MRI machine to create magnetic and radio waves to show detailed pictures of the inside of your heart. It is now a gold standard investigation for diagnosis of cardiomyopathy, and is commonly used to exclude other conditions that mimic cardiomyopathy.

Drug Provocation tests

This refers to controlled administration of drugs to diagnose ion channel disorders (e.g. brugada syndrome or catecholaminergic polymorphic VT) in those whose ECG at baseline is normal but index of suspicion persists.

Partners & Supporters

  • Boden
    Bradgate Park Trust
    Gem 106
    Leicester Mercury
  • Cipher Entertainment
    Loughborough Echo
    Warriors Basketball Club
  • Leicester City Council
    ITV Central
    Inside Land
    British Heart Foundation
  • Rawlins
    AFC Andrews
    Trophy Parlour
  • Quorn Football Club
    Shepshed Lions - Community First Responders
    CF Construction
  • South Leicester MG Club
    Provident IT Solutions
    De Lisle
  • Leicestershire County Council
    East Midlands Ambulance Service
    Leicester Coritanian
    Leicester City In the Community
  • Leicester Tigers
    Rothley Park Cricket Club
    Loughborough Town Cricket Club
    TS Tiger Leicester Sea Cadets
  • CKI Martial Arts
    BBC Radio Leicester
    Sports Cardiology UK
  • De Montfort Students Union
    Rothley Parish Council
    Jessica Michelle School of Dance
  • Leicester Unity Boxing Club
    Demon Media
    Pukaar News
  • Gleeds
    Dickinson & Morris
    Sileby Town CC
    Longslade Community College
  • Soar Media
    Health For Teens
    UK Paintball
  • Leicestershire and Rutland County FA
    Jersey Budd
    Leicester City FC Community Trust
  • Shepshed Lions Club - Community First Responders
    UHL Trust
    Samworth Brothers
    Oak FM
  • Musical Village
    Leicester Legends
    Willmott Dixon
    Arrhythmia Alliance
  • David Wilson Homes
    Westleigh Developments